What comes to mind when someone says love? In most cases, the answer would be a partner. But for certain people, it may be a dog, food, a cat, a horse, or many other things. But do you remember your first love? Most likely, it was in grade school. You fall in love for the first time, and it is an overwhelming love. And I think that love lasts a lifetime. I can\’t even imagine leaving my first love. It just doesn\’t exist. It is something new and beautiful to you. You experience emotions you\’ve never known before. You share a passionate kiss and maybe even have sex for the first time. But time is relentless.

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It goes by so fast, but you don\’t notice it because you are so in love. In the first love, they may not even notice each other\’s faults. But as time goes by, even the love fades, and we begin to notice faults that we did not notice before. You may think it\’s cute at first, but eventually the mistakes begin to bother you. It may bother you so much that you fight about it and eventually break up. Love is replaced by tears, anger, resentment, and hatred. In the first few days after the breakup, you tell yourself that you will never find love again, that true love has left you. And you will not even understand how you could have been with such a person.

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Everyone around you tiptoes around you because you are a pile of misery. You play only sad songs that make you cry. You don\’t like food and you don\’t enjoy anything. But you don\’t realize that you are hurting. You are hurting your parents too. Your parents have to see you suffer every day, but they don\’t know what to do. In time, they will find the best way to help you. They will give you a hug. A hug from your mother is much better than a thousand words. And you will finally realize that love has never left you.