Unemployment in the Czech Republic has been low for months. Employers have responded by raising wages or importing labor from abroad. However, both solutions have pitfalls and have already reached their limits. Let\’s focus on recruitment from the ground up. Here are some basic recruitment methods.
hledání vhodných zaměstnanců
Target groups
At the beginning of the hiring process, do not make the mistake of identifying what kind of candidate you actually want to get. Put yourself in the shoes of the potential employee. One approach will attract candidates for middle or senior management positions; another will attract candidates for manufacturing positions. If you skip this step, you will waste a lot of money on advertising that will not attract many suitable candidates.
Job adspracovní tým
Make sure you have a job ad. This is the alpha and omega of successfully finding candidates. Choose the proper writing style for your job ad. The writing style is important and must include everything necessary. Conversely, it should not be unnecessarily long. You can add more information during the interview. Advertisements that are too short or too long may put candidates off. Make the ad eye-catching and include slang for the position; there is nothing wrong with speaking the language of “IT person” or “accountant.
pracovní tým
Where to advertise?

Where to post job ads? This again depends on the type of workers you are looking for. You can never go wrong by choosing the right job portal or social network. Tried and true, more traditional advertising methods should also not be forgotten. For example, newspaper ads, local circulars, radio ads, posting job flyers in mailboxes, posting flyers on bulletin boards around the office, and advertising in job centers. Have you tried all the possibilities?
Referrals and Internal Communication[26]
When looking for employees, referrals from employees should not be overlooked. Internal communication should not be neglected. All employees should know what positions you are looking for.