Menstruation is experienced by (almost) everyone, but not everyone experiences menstrual cramps. This is influenced by the level of hormones present in the body. For women, these problems usually disappear after the first delivery.

However, if you are in pain, it is not pleasant and you will wish there was something to relieve the pain. Healthy diet

Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. These are the basics that should be given to the body in adequate amounts every day. Overeating, excess sugar, polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oils can be substituted. Coconut oil, for example, is very good for hormonal health, so add it to your tea), and heavy foods that cause the body to expand should be avoided.

2. Vitamins

B, D, magnesium. Vitamin B is found in sea fish, egg yolks, liver, and royal jelly, and can be taken in capsules. Vitamin D is found in eggs, grains, and fish. Magnesium can be taken in tablets or powder.

3. Caffeine, alcohol, and smoking NO

These days, drinking coffee and other caffeinated drinks should be avoided. Caffeine has stimulant effects and doubles the pain. Instead, include tea, preferably herbal tea. Chamomile, linden, valerian, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, raspberry leaves, and borage are all effective. Alcohol should be limited to one glass of light wine per day. You already know that cigarettes are generally bad for your health, and this is no different.
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4. Exercise

Try yoga. Sitting and kneeling postures, in particular, can relieve pain by giving the pelvis more room to move. Of course, unless you are forced to stay in bed, any movement these days (a walk, for example) is good for you. In such cases, it is better to move as one feels.

5. Hot water, compresses, or towels can help with cramps. If you are using a menstrual cup, take a hot bath to relax. Relaxation is also very important during this time, so do not underestimate it, do not stress unnecessarily, and try to relax as much as possible.