Piles of clothes thrown in one corner, breakfast crumbs on the table, piles of unwashed dishes in the kitchen, and layers of dust everywhere. Clutter. The terrible name hides an even more terrible nature, but there is nothing we can do about it. We try so hard to do it, but we can\’t. You might be able to, you just have to know how.

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First of all, it is good that you admit it and that you are beginning to get frustrated with your mess. Maybe it is your pets, maybe it is your children, maybe it is just you. But it is good that it is bothering you; it is good that you are beginning to feel annoyed with yourself.

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So how do we get out of this? First of all, and this works for many, try to invite visitors more often. Because if you are starting to feel embarrassed about yourself, you will feel doubly embarrassed in front of your visitors, and you will see yourself suddenly faltering. All kinds of things will be on your mind, but don\’t get caught up in trivialities that eat up a lot of your precious time. For starters, put things away conspicuously and don\’t rearrange things in drawers.

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A little inspiration might help, and it\’s actually kind of the opposite of the previous method. Visit someone who is always tidy. Maybe you will like that person and want to make your own home nice like that. It\’s best to start cleaning as soon as you arrive home. This is because it is when your memory is still vivid and you have the most vitality


If you plan to clean a little more thoroughly but are afraid that you will gradually give up before you begin, do not set a big goal like cleaning the entire apartment. Pick one room that either needs the most cleaning or the least cleaning. See how that room turns out, and then you\’ll be motivated to clean the other rooms as well.

You can also get inspiration from the Internet, for example, by following Marie Kondo, a famous Japanese cleaning guru. If you are thinking of something big, such as redecorating furniture, you might be attracted to the traditional Chinese teaching of feng shui. But you have to take the plunge.

Don\’t expect your home to immediately look like something out of a magazine, but the imaginary line between order and disorder is when you walk through your apartment as if you were in someone else\’s house rather than your own and decide it is actually quite tidy. . It may take a little more time to find the right path to a tidy apartment, but it is absolutely worth it.