The period following a breakup can be one of the most difficult times, especially if the breakup comes out of the blue. However, careful observation of one\’s partner\’s behavior can help identify problems early and lead to solutions.

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Always disagree

It is perfectly normal to disagree about everything, and disagreements often arise. However, if you notice the vast majority of differences and your partner tends to always take the opposite position, it indicates a problem that may build up over time.

Spend time elsewhere

People run away from dysfunctional relationships, so if you feel you cannot see your loved one, begin to deal with the situation. Working overtime at work, activities with friends, in short, anything to get them to run away from home.

Behavioral Changes

If you don\’t like your partner overall or feel that something is different, don\’t wait for anything, sit down with them. Discuss what has changed, why he or she is behaving differently, and how you can resolve the situation. He or she should be supportive, but if support turns into criticism, that is an exclamation point to a dysfunctional relationship.
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Arguing is a part of any relationship, and sometimes it can have a refreshingly positive effect. However, when arguing is a daily occurrence, it is not a good sign and it is certainly not the norm.

Expressing feelings

In the beginning of a relationship, everything is rosy and you say “I love you” to each other as often as you say hello. After a long relationship, we no longer confess our love to each other, but we still feel love and have to tell the other person. But when love disappears, so do the words of love. And if the answer to the magic word is silence, that is definitely not good news.

Change in appearance

Meeting someone new is a “second chance,” and with it comes a change in appearance. Has the other person started to take better care of themselves? Signs of this include going to the gym, going to the hairdresser, changing one\’s clothes, and changing one\’s eating habits. The change does not just happen, but quite often a third party is involved.