In the Czech Republic, the adjectives globalization and “worldwide” are increasingly associated with all kinds of negative feelings and thoughts. What we must acknowledge, however, is that the Internet is still a very great privilege in the modern world of the 21st century. It is by no means the case that everyone has access to the Internet. The Internet and its daily use is an absolute privilege of the developed world, while in many other countries Internet use is either policed, regulated, or not even accessible in half the country. In other words, the Internet is a very cooked medium, a medium with a very homogeneous composition of users.
kosmická stanice

Internet for all

But what Elon Musk, for example, is trying to achieve – a global Internet and global satellite coverage of the earth – is both a fantastical utopia within reach in its own right and an incredibly It is both a fantastical utopia within reach and an incredibly clever and ingenious business plan. After all, traditional Internet providers are only tied to certain regions, with certain restrictions, speeds, etc., but what Mask is proposing could dramatically change this whole Internet game. Because if prices were always uniform for an entire region or state, everyone could really afford it. The Internet would then experience an unprecedented boom that would likely overload all storage.
satelitní parabola

Big Brother

The Internet will also bring with it a certain loss of privacy, which will be compounded by a truly global Internet. There would be no need for cameras, since every move a human being makes would be captured on a camera somewhere on a satellite provided by the Internet. It is an incredible future that even Orwell could not have imagined.