You would be surprised how much fun playing card games can be! There are many card games. But in addition to Czech games, which can be played almost anywhere, you should also learn some foreign games!


Each player is assigned three cards, face down. Each player then takes six cards and places three of them on top of the three already face down. However, this time, they are turned face up so that the other players can see the three cards. Three cards remain in the hand. The players take turns. The goal is to have no cards in hand or in possession. Players place their cards in front of the deck. While cards remain on the table, players take enough cards to bring their hand to three cards at any time. When the deck runs out, players play with only the cards they have. Each player may always discard a card of higher rank than the previous player\’s card. The following rules are added:

  • Queens are higher than kings
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  • 8 skips the next player
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  • The prince moves back to the previous player
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    7 commands the next player to play a card smaller than 7
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  • On two sevens, commands the next player to play a card higher than seven
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  • Cards 2, 3, and 10 may be played against an earlier sequence of cards:

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    • 3 imitates the previous card:
    • and the next player can play any card.

    • A 10 removes the entire series of cards from the table, and the player who throws a 10 may start a new round with any card.
  • If there are multiple cards of the same rank, players may discard cards at the same time.
  • If two players play the same card, the third player must either discard the same card or a 2, 3, or 10, or put all the discarded cards into his hand.
  • The player with no matching cards must put all the discarded cards into his hand.
  • The last player remaining becomes a shithead.


Can be enjoyed every night

Whether you\’re having a friendly dinner party with friends or just want to drink a glass of wine together, this game is absolutely perfect. You won\’t regret it!