If there is a familiar but true stereotype, it is that children do not want to go to school. Almost every parent knows this. But it may seem surprising, especially considering how much new first graders look forward to going to school.However, their initial enthusiasm quickly cools. This is despite the fact that they basically know what to expect from the get-go. So why does the joy of being able to read, write, do arithmetic and many other skills essentially turn into frustration?There are several reasons, but the most important is that the mode has completely changed since kindergarten. In kindergarten, children were accustomed to spending most of their day playing as they pleased and with whom they pleased. They would go for walks and play with their friends. That all changes now. They

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now have to sit quietly at their desks most of the time they are at school and listen to explanations. Of course, teachers try to make it as enjoyable as possible, but it remains a largely unpleasant change.They also become responsible and accountable, being scolded for not bringing homework or forgetting books at home. This is also something they did not experience in kindergarten, and this undoubtedly adds to their stress in some small way.

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Then there is the curriculum itself. Even that is often not as easy as children imagine. There is probably not a single child who has not had at least a little difficulty in a particular area. For example, some children cannot swim in math, while others cannot write well.All of these take a toll on the child\’s psyche. Furthermore, if there is someone in the classroom who does not need to be dealt with at all (and probably everyone has someone like that), this is another reason not to want to be in the classroom. But this makes the whole learning process frustrating for the individual, which is definitely unfortunate.So what can be done to make a child want to go to school? First of all, we should praise them for every success, listen and support them when they talk to us about their problems at school, regardless of the material or their relationships with other children. Then they will like going to school more.