If you are thinking of starting a cab business but you are not sure everything you need to do something like this, you can definitely learn a lot of useful and necessary information in today\’s article because On the right track.

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First, it is good to know that running a cab service is a licensed trade. If you are interested in this type of business, you will need to apply for a road vehicle transport license. Specifically, a cab license.

It will be obvious from the fire that a valid driver\’s license is required, as well as other valid personal documents. Additionally, professional competence is regulated by slightly different laws here.
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Among the general conditions that must be met are being 18 years old, having a criminal record, and having legal capacity.

Certificates of interest are provided by the company that initially operated the service. However, if one wishes to become independent, he or she must complete this authorization form on his or her own.

However, nothing is easy. You will need to pass the cab driver\’s license exam and then the driver\’s license exam as well. In most cases, the exam is administered by the competent magistrate\’s office, and upon passing the exam, a certificate is issued, which is required for the issuance of a franchise document.

Indeed, it is important to take into account a deposit of approximately 17,000,-. This includes the costs associated with the cab test, the issuance of the charter certificate, or the equipment of the vehicle. Basic equipment includes cab branding, stickers, lights, etc.

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As for the vehicle, it is best to choose a Czech brand, as Czech vehicles are not only spacious but also comfortable. It is possible to operate a private cab service, so there is certainly no need to cooperate with a transport company. However, there is a disadvantage: you can only park in a parking space under the control of the Communication Technology Administration.