You may not have much money left over from your salary, but you should still have some saved. You never know what will happen, and you may need more money than you budgeted for. It is always better to have your own sources than to use loans or credit. Invest in gold
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Invest in gold

Did you know that the price of gold has tripled in terms of kroner over the past 20 years? That\’s amazing. Don\’t worry, you can start saving with a small amount. This modern investment is availableto everyone
. Plus, if you own gold ,you can literally own an investment and a fortune. You are completely independent of banks and other financial institutions. This is literally a trend, perhaps similar to the beginning of savings. You can save goldfrom 500 kroner.
The main reasonpeople save in gold is not the vision of getting rich quickly, but to protect their assets from depreciation in the long term. Furthermore, the long-term return isbecause gold does not depreciate in valueeven if an economic crisis hits.
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That sounds good, but how to get started

The key is not to fall for scams. Therefore, you need to have sufficient informationbefore embarking on such a thing. You need to choose a company that is reputable and has a good track record in the market. Websites can certainly help you, but also choose one that has a physical store. Above all, you need to know about their traditions. Don\’t invest in startups. [And decide what you want to buy and what you want to save for.
You can start at almost any age and don\’t have to spend a long time saving. Depending on the size and price of the ingots or bars, you can have your first gold in a year.

There are pros and cons to everything

In every situation in life, we have to make decisions. What happens next is entirely up to us.
– gold savings can be withdrawn at any time, suspended, or increased
– when choosing a company, it is advisable to check
if there is a possibility to buy back gold. Reputable companies guarantee to buy back your gold, which is the most advantageous aspect. You can usually get your money back in a short period of time.
– Since investments in gold are not taxed,you will not be taxed on the sale,nor will you make a profit on the sale.
Furthermore, gold can be sold anywhere in the world.
– Because the savings are not insured, people buy gold in installments, and as soon as they save up to purchase the item, they take it down.
– Gold bullion should not be purchased on certificates.
Experts recommend investing at least 10-30%
of savings or assets in gold.