This site is not a colossus that will fill you with copious amounts of ballast with recommendations that this and THIS cannot be missed in your library. Quite the opposite. The owner seeks personal control over everything he publishes and sells. He is willing to answer, explain, and recommend all inquiries.
There are no cookbooks in this section, but there is a great selection of our and world literature: names like Jáchym Topol, Tony Ducháček, Ludvík Kundera, František Gellner, Ivan Blatný ring a bell? or Umberto Ejko? Or how about historical figures like Umberto Eco or Albert Camus? How about Neil Gaiman or Michael Gira?
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Hard to find. We have a special window here. I\’ll spare you the titles, but the selection is just gorgeous and reasonably priced.
Here you will find mainly domestic CDs. The genres are diverse, but the main ones are alternative, punk, HC, metal, Czech minstrels, etc. Of course, there is also a good selection of alternative music from around the world.
And this is the icing on the cake. It is rare to see so many new records in one place, anywhere else. I won\’t describe what\’s here, but it\’s just about everything, and it\’s of the highest quality.
Do you have deep pockets? 25] staré rádio
Antiquarian LP Bazaar
Even those with deep pockets can buy books, CDs and LPs here. And it\’s not weird garbage. This is another top-notch company with a great selection.
Curious about what\’s going on and don\’t like the tabloids? Read the news from our meadows and groves another way.
Field Notebook.
The right place to read what is happening in our culture in a normal, human way. No blood will be spilled here, no lover will leave his lover, but you will still be entertained and educated.

Are you older, a little different, and the names and titles offered mean nothing to you? Ask your children and grandchildren. You will see how pleased they will be with your interests and gifts.
There are many skillful and capable musicians and writers around us. They are either waiting to be discovered or are known only in small circles. It is a shame.