Those days are long gone, but one can still find the occasional paper treasure. But that is more often than not at Christmas or Easter. No wonder. Postcards have become more expensive, and no one comments on postage. It really is cheaper to meet the person in person and greet them over the phone, even if they are overseas. Or it is even cheaper to send an SMS, or write an e-mail for a flat rate. At first everyone was angry that this was impersonal, but eventually they changed their minds. After all, this is about saving money. And maybe it really is time to start using more modern means.

Postcard Creation Apps .
One of the newer versions is the Ashampoo Photo Card 2 application . Here you can create original themed postcards and send them via email or display them on social networks. 18]Online postcardshave gained more fans than expected. Its broad appeal allows users to use a variety of pre-made templates, e.g., wedding, birthday, and holiday templates. In doing so, they become original works of art and need only be sent to the appropriate recipients

Online postcards give the same pleasure as paper postcards. It doesn\’t matter what form you send it in, the important thing is that you remember someone. That is a pleasure for everyone. Besides, electronic postcards are easy to download and store on a computer hard drive. And, of course, you can look back at them anytime, even when you are not connected to the Internet.

Various applications [29].
There are other applications for cell phones that simplify the task of transferring data from a cell phone to a PC, for example, Czech Post is behind online postcards. Here, too, one can create a variety of postcards and greetings using photos and selfies. Of course, everyone will suit different styles and processing methods, but absolutely everyone can really choose.